Saturday, January 12, 2013

So this is life

I've been meaning to write.  Really I's been nearly two weeks since my last post and I really, really, really want be up dating the blog weekly.  Maybe writing everyday for a month used up all my writing gusto?  Maybe I've been too busy?  Maybe I've just been lazy?

Any combination of the above could be true but what really has stalled my writing is that I'm mulling over what direction I want the blog to take.  My life has changed a lot since it began and I often find writing about art, decorating, odd encounters on the bus, my cats, and any other odd assortment of things that may not have much to do with living as an unmarried woman.

One major change of course has been that I now share an apartment with roommates which is proving to have definite ups and downs.  I'm not quite sure that I'm ready to share the details of my new venture into apartment sharing quite yet but as with many of the thoughts that roll around in my mind I googled it and discovered the following:

The Wikipedia "Roommate" Entry

The Pros and Cons of Living with Roommates

6 Signs That You're a Bad Roommate 

Bad roommate horror stories abound (roommates who dry the dishes with the same towel they dried off with after a shower, roommates who move their significant others in without asking, roommates with strange hoarding habits).  Yes, it's probably a very good thing that I didn't google 'bad roommate stories' before deciding to live with other people again.  I would have most certainly would likely have bailed on the whole idea and sought out a comfortable basement to squat in.

Honestly though, at least as far as the humans are concerned, it's been mostly good.   I genuinely like and get along well with my roommates.   My biggest beef right now is with myself and the fact that after three months of being here I'm still not entirely unpacked.  There are six boxes stacked in the corner mocking me on a daily basis.  I'd hoped to finally feel settled in after the winter break from school but no, there they sit, staring at me...taunting me.  I'm sure I heard one giggle just yesterday.

The cats are another story.  All is not peaceful and the spinster pride is having some trouble adapting.  However we are working on that too and I think we've devised a solution that will hopefully go into effect in the next week.  I'll of course keep you posted.

The rest of my life is about to get quite busy again since school begins next week.  Though I have classes scheduled two days and one evening each week I am determined that I will not exhaust myself this semester. I  will plan better, schedule better, sleep better, eat better...well, all of the things that I figured out how to do well by the END of last semester.  Aside from school this spring has so many wonderful things in store that I want to make sure I'm happy, rested and well enough to fully enjoy all of them.

1 comment:

  1. Completely understand the notion of not quite knowing where to take the blog; I struggle with the same thing. But I will say this; I read your blog more for the thoughtful writing than for the subject matter--if that helps at all.

    All the best!
