Friday, December 21, 2012


I have a busy day ahead of me with work, preparing food for a solstice celebration and an evening of sharing the longest night with friends so I'm writing a very quick post.  Tonight marks the longest night and the turning of the year.  In honor of that here are ten things that brought a little light into my world this past year:

1.  My friends who offered love, support, laughter, condolences and celebration.

2.  All of the people who I have worked with creatively particularly all of the members of my performance troupe.

3. My kitties.

4. The green spaces in my city - the cemetery, the waterfront, and the parks.

5. Rice and bean!  A staple food that got me through many a tight month.

6. Good conversation.

7. Books for the knowledge and escape contained in their pages

8. Warm and fuzzy slippers!

9. Dance and rhythm

10. Love.

I am struggling financially right now but, cliche as it may sound, my life is rich in art, music, friends, experiences, joy, and most of all love.  This solstice finds me feeling large amounts of gratitude.

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